
Showing posts from April, 2012

Love and Money

Hey everyone! So I've been thinking a lot about love and money lately. So here's a little poem I wrote. Enjoy! Photo by Emily Howitt Love,  makes us happy, fills our hearts with joy, makes the world go round. Money, is used as a supplement, with little to no effect, and fades quickly. But I just got my new shiny toy???  But it will fade, break down lose the glimmer.... and what do you have? An empty hole. Now, don't get me wrong. Money can help in a lot of ways and is nice to have. I just think that people need to take time to remember the things that are free in life that are essential for happiness, like love, family, or taking your dog  for a get the picture.  Enjoy the rest of your day, and tell me what you think of the poem! :) 

Welcome All

Alright, so I thought I'd take a stab at writing a blog. "What about?", you may ask. Well that is a good question. I can give you no definite answer but prefer to mix it up as I go along. Maybe soon or never I'll use that "new blog" button on blogger and separate blogs by categories, but for now it's all mixed together. I will try to make posts interesting though, and am open to suggestion on topics (in other words I haven't got a firetruckin clue what to write about......just kidding, I will come up with something. Maybe I will ask the muse for guidance). Anyway, that's it for now. Write in the comments what you thought, or what did or didn't like, or anything you want. No, really, do it now. Right. Now. ;)