Technology Has A Hold On You
Technology has become a crutch. Yes, I know it is ironic to write about technology being a crutch while using it, but I think I'll give it a go anyway. Technology is a marvelous thing, it has led to the betterment of many lives including my own. But sometimes, I wonder where the world would be without it. In the old days people actually had to take the time to sit down and write letters to people. Now you can see a person on your phone while you talk to them. Is this better or worse? Many would argue better, but at the same time there is something to be said for the effort that would go into writing a letter. I mean, you had to actually sit down and think about what you wanted to say and then send it off. Arguably you can still do that in an email, but somehow the email still seems easier. Technology may take less effort to communicate with people today, but does that mean they communicate more often? To write a letter to someone you would have to really to communicate ...