New Year's Resolutions
So it’s that time of year again where everyone makes New Year’s resolutions. This will be the year I get skinny. This will be the year I quit smoking. This will be the year I become a millionaire and get a multi-media book deal. I’ve never been one for New Year’s resolutions. While I believe it can be a great time to think about what you want in life, I feel like the hype of New Year’s resolutions will only last for a few weeks and then fall quietly into death. I could be wrong. There are probably lots of people who make resolutions and stick to them, but I don’t see the point of centering goals around one time of year. Or rather I do, but I think if you have a desire to change, you shouldn’t have to wait for a specific time to make that change. I’m all for goal setting, even if I haven’t had that much experience with it. But the thing with goals is that if you want them to work you really have to truly want them. It’s very easy to justify not doing them by thinking I’m too bus...