Closing Prayer of 2018
As the year comes to a close, I felt the desire to praise God and share it with you. Here goes: Dear God, I love you. I adore you. I praise you. I thank you for all the blessings you’ve given me this year. For good health news, for myself and others. For having a job. For having a good church community. For being alive. But I also need to praise you for the dark moments, don’t I? For the feelings of worthlessness. For the anxiety. For the worry. For the endless battles with OCD. I know you do not enjoy it when I go through pain. I know you do not like to see me troubled and upset. But it’s necessary, isn’t it? Necessary to my growth and for my relationship with you. So God I praise you for all the broken moments this past year has held, and I pray that you carry me through all the broken moments I know are coming next year. My God, I love you. And you are what I want most for Christmas. Though we both know this isn’t true all the time. There is doubt. There are mo...