The Monster Known as Self-Doubt
Self-doubt is a bitch. Self-doubt plays mind games. It tells
you your worst fears are going to come true, and that you are going to fail in
the most epic way possible. That no matter what you do, you’re doing the wrong
thing, and honey it ain’t gonna be pretty, so you should just give up now and
forget about doing whatever it is you wanted to do. But you know what else
self-doubt is? Self-doubt is a liar.
What self-doubt really is, is stepping out of your comfort
zone and leaving the safety of the nest. Sure, you want to stay in a nest and
pretend that there is not a world outside, but that nest holds you back from
life and doesn’t allow you to think for yourself. That nest forms you into what
the nest believes in, and not what you believe in. It makes you a whole and not
an individual. Now the nest is good for lots of things, but if you want to
progress in pretty much anything at life you have to leave the nest, and that
is painful.
Why is it so painful to do things that we are afraid of? Why
is it terrifying when we know what we want, we know what we should do to get
it, but we are paralyzed with fear as if there was a rabid unicorn waiting in
the corners for us to falter so it can pounce? Unfortunately, part of the
answer is the very thing that allows us to dream, and that’s our imagination.
Maybe we don’t consciously acknowledge it, but in the back of our minds we’re
going oh crap, oh crap, oh crap. What if
I fail? What if I fail so epically I end up on the streets and my new idea of
building an addition to the “house” is to find another card board box? I better
just stay miserable ‘cause you know, this miserable is so much better than that
other potential miserable, even though that other potential miserable is
probably not going to happen. Like ever. Do you see what I’m getting at
here? Humans love to dream, but to actually do something toward that dream,
uh-uh, no, *runs the other way.*
Okay, so now that you know that self-doubt is a liar, and
that choosing to stay in the nest is a perpetuation of being miserable, how do
you get out of it? Well, that’s the hard part, because it means you have to be
okay with not being okay, and that’s easier said than done. What you can do is
keep yourself in check when you start imagining worst case scenarios. Like I’m
pretty sure if you write a book and it gets rejected you’re not going to be
shunned from the entire world for the rest of your life and made to live as an
outcast. Although it might make a good reality TV show. But what is likely to
happen is you get upset for a bit, then you try again. You send your book, or
do whatever it is you’re worried about doing, to another publisher. And repeat.
Until you get to where you want to go. You also have to realize that although
fear sucks, it can only immobilize you it if you let it. Fear is a horrible
lingering feeling when you step outside your comfort zone, but that’s all it
is. A lingering feeling. Kind of like gremlins. If you get them wet, they go
crazy, but if you don’t you’re fine. Don’t get the fear wet.
Another thing that happens when you leave you’re comfort
zone is things get easier when you do them over and over again. See, when you
leave your comfort zone, what you’re really doing is expanding your nest. So
once your nest catches up with you, you won’t feel like the world is going to
end if you screw up this one thing that used to make you terrified.
Self-doubt and fear of leaving the nest will never really
completely leave you. Or at least I don’t think they will, but they are quite
manageable. And remember, you don’t have to be perfect, and if you fail, there
is always another opportunity.
How do you manage self-doubt?
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