Worthless Is A Lie
Sometimes I feel worthless. Sometimes I feel like a failure.
Sometimes I wonder if I should just give up on my dream. Sometimes I wonder if
I should numb the pain with alcohol. Just go to work, and hate my life, and
numb the pain emotionally.
And sometimes I push God away, when I’m like this. More
often than not, actually. The one person who I need the most, and I push him
away. I’ve thought more than once that I don’t deserve his love. And it’s true.
I don’t. You don’t. But it’s not about deserving
it, and I know this. But sometimes I feel like I’m not worth saving, and I’m
not worth his love. I know there is a difference between being worthy, and
having worth, but sometimes it’s hard to see that.
Part of it is unmet expectations, I believe. We put so much
expectation on success today. All the entrepreneur stories; all the people who
had nothing and worked hard to succeed. If they can do it, anyone can do it.
But then when you don’t you wonder where you went wrong. You wonder if maybe
you just don’t have what it takes. You wonder if you’ll never get anywhere in
life. Even as I write this I know these are lies and they sound ridiculous. But
when you are in that desolate way of thinking it can be difficult to see things
I’m not where I expected to be in life, and that should be
okay. I’m sure I’m not the only one. I thought I would have a good job by now,
or a successful writing career, or maybe even a house, but I don’t, and that’s
okay. Maybe I’m where I need to be. Maybe I’m where God wants me to be. Maybe I
just have to wait a little longer for things to work out.
But the truth is, it’s not really about things working out.
It’s not about all the success, and things, and extras life has to offer. Not
that these are bad things. Success isn’t a bad thing. It’s when success (or
whatever else) becomes the only thing, or the first thing, that it can be bad
for us. Truth is, it really shouldn’t matter where we are at the moment,
because for those of us in Christ, we are children of God.
And that is what matters. Because God values us. God loves
us. God wants us. God doesn’t think that we are worthless. And if we say that
we are then we are calling him a liar. And I don’t think anyone wants to be in
that boat.
God’s love, God himself, is what matters most. His love is
the guiding light that can fulfill us. Everything else is secondary to him. And
when we feel worthless, or like failures, we need to turn to him, and not away
from him, because he is waiting to enfold us into his love. We need only let him.
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