Easter 2019

Do you ever feel inadequate?

Do you ever feel unworthy to be loved by God?

Me too. But that’s when we need to remember the cross.

When we need to remember that God sent his Son to die for us. To die. God. The Son. DIE. As one of us.

God became like us. He took our place. He took our sins upon himself. He who was sinless became sin for us. God died for us.

He knew what it was to be forsaken by God, so we would never have to be.

We couldn’t save ourselves, so he did it for us.

So, yeah. We are inadequate. We are unworthy. But we are loved.

We are loved so deeply we cannot even imagine.

We are held so tightly we don’t even know.

But sometimes all we see are our faults.

We see the ways we fail to measure up.

We see the ways we fail God.

We see our sin. Our mistakes. Our failures.

How can you love me, God? How can you forgive me?

But God doesn’t see our failure anymore. He doesn’t lord it over us. He doesn’t rub it in our faces, and ask “why aren’t you better?”


He reaches down in love and dies for us.

Tears the curtain in half so that there is no more distance between us. He comes to live inside us, and promises to never leave, nor forsake us.

So why don’t we let this love in? Why do we insist on focusing on the ways we fail God, instead of the ways his strength can shine in our weakness?

Let’s remember what God did this Easter weekend. Truly remember. And let’s let God’s love change us for the better. Let’s let that love invade our very souls so that God’s love shines through us and overflows to others.

